Week 2023


Denis Ouimet

President, Institut M3I Institute

November 22, 2022 | 1:40 pm - 2:40 pm

Mastering Stress at Work

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The M3I Institute is the result of the long and successful career of Denis Ouimet, who established, as early as 1976, the Bureau de Recherche et de Formation en «gestion intégrée», known as BUREFOR Inc., to guide managers in developing integrated managerial practices, philosophies, and value systems. Throughout the years, thousands of people from very diverse work environments and from all organisational levels have benefited from his contributions.

Over a ten-year period, as a university lecturer, Denis Ouimet was in close contact with fundamental research, while pursuing his own work concerning day-to-day management. His work and research activities in management development, training, and organizational behaviour have been the subject of several presentations and publications at the national and international level. He has written seven books, collaborated on three technical publications, published more than 30 articles in various specialized journals, and has also written more than 80 self-instruction and self-help guides, exercise manuals, and different diagnostic tools related to management skills development. 

Amongst his major realizations, Denis Ouimet developed, in 1991, a model explaining human behaviors Personality Dynamics and, in 2007, the M3I—Supervision program aimed at the development of human resource management skills through a focus on daily supervision. He also designed several auto diagnostic tools related to the development of personal and professional skills amongst which: Assessment of My Management of Human Issues, 7-D Profile and My Tendencies Towards Change.

Mr. Ouimet has obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Université de Montréal, a Bachelor’s degree in education from the Université de Sherbrooke, a Bachelor’s degree in commerce from the École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal, and has also received a Master’s degree in systems analysis from the Faculty of Administration of the Université de Sherbrooke. Furthermore, he completed doctoral studies in industrial relations from Université Laval, including a semester at the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, which led him to undertake an exhaustive research project on human resource management.

Denis Ouimet
